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Alf Cuthbert School - Moosehorn

Alf Cuthbert School
General Delivery
Moosehorn, MB R0C 2E0
Phone: 768-2396
Fax: 768-3234
Lakeshore School Division Link
"Today's Parent", Canada's national parenting magazine, featured a local gem, Alf Cuthbert School, in their September 2008 issue. The small school was featured as one of the country's top 25 schools, in what was described as some of the country's best public elementary and middle years schools. The following write-up described why the school was chosen:
There's an "unwavering expectation of good citizenship" at this warm and homey school, says one parent. The grade fours eat lunch with the Kindergartners and help warm up their food. The fives and sixes clean up after the breakfast program and the sevens and eights run lunchtime intramural sports. Even support staff play their part and serve a sit-down turkey dinner in the gym at Christmas.